This is my first "aftermarket decal" airliner model inspired by the good reference photos and seeing the real ones flying above my house every week. I'm glad it turned out nice, the Revell kit is a good starting point for this kind of project.

TwoSix Decals has a new sheet available for the KLM 737 fleet, these decals are high quality and very well crafted. Besides they fit the Revell kit dimensions just perfectly. Here's the sheet I used:

it winglets were originally absurdly large, I filed them down to a more realistic size. Painting was done with Revell enamels and my Iwata HP-C airbrush, paint codes are gloss 50 for the KLM blue fuselage, satin 371 for the gray areas and satin 301 white tail and winglets. Tikkurila Miranol was used for leading edge silver and engine intake ring.

The engines and winglets partly notwithstanding, the overall shape is good and it looks like the original airliners. The slight "nose down" attitude on the ground is ok too.

Kit engines are acceptable, but they are too simplified for otherwise such a nice kit. The characteristic flattened intake and nacelle shapes are close enough for my tastes.

All small prints from the decal sheet are just like the real thing. Dark blue cheatline is a decal, for the cabin windows I used the dark gray alternative from the box sheet just to be sure they fit well.

Just another example of the decal sheet quality, remember this is in 1/144th scale! Johnson Floor Wax sealed the finish nicely, as per the reference photos this plane is very clean and shiny. Building this model was quite satisfying, it looks just like I wanted and now it's a real gem in my airliner collection.