Here's another summer Zvezda, the first Soviet widebody airliner from the 70's. This Zvezda kit is a bit like a modern day version of an old Airfix classic airliner, hugely fun to build and looks mighty nice when finished. Other than the horrible engine front fan disks details are fine and the surface texture is pleasant to the eye.

Decals are very sparse and minimal, yet in a finished model one
doesn't see anything really missing just like with Airfix kits.

Nose shape and cockpit windows resemble the original well, this model oozes Russian utilitarian and rugged design.

Zvezda decals have usually a yellow shade in the decal film, which unfortunately can be detected on a white surface like here. On the other hand the effect isn't entirely bad, it adds an unique flavour to this Russian scale model and weirdly becomes it!

This model was airbrushed mainly with Revell 04 and 374 enamels, I like the final result all right but am tempted to try Brazmodel's resin engine parts and TwoSix Soviet livery decals for another Aeroflot Iljushin!
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